Monday, July 1, 2013

Celebrating the imperfections

The past week has been very difficult.

We have had an extreme rise in meltdowns. Extreme rise in attitudes. Extreme rise in neediness. It has been difficult but that is what we deal with. We have our greatest days and those days when we can't wait for bedtime. I have not been praying for my son, and my family like I should. I started crying yesterday from missing my family back home so much. I can honestly say after 7 months I haven't really had a good cry. I am one of those people who will keep everything in as long as possible. Yesterday I broke down after listening to a beautiful song by Jesus Culture called "Your love never fails". I know that no matter what is going on in my life God has a plan for us and I need to start praying that he shows me the way and to be grateful for what we have, and all that my son has accomplished through this.

Tyler is showing me how smart he is. He is breaking out of his shell. For a child who had little to no improvement the first 4 years of his life has shown tremendous change in the last 3. He has gone from no words to showing me small sentences.

He was whining for me to get up this morning saying HELP PLEASE.. I held my ground. I said no, Tyler tell me in your words what you want. I said I want.. He looked at me and thought to himself for a moment. Than he says I.. want.. Ice-cream!! I had to let him have some ice-cream after that even if it was 11 am. I am really pushing him here lately for words. I know he has it in him!

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